Best Haunted House in Denver

Why do we love haunted houses. Scientists say our body’s sympathetic nervous system releases different neurotransmitters and hormones when we are scared. There’s also the adrenaline rush, or perhaps the relief when it’s all over.
Either way, Denver loves it’s haunted houses. We’ve even got two that are ranked top in the nation. If you plan on getting your fright on this year here is rundown of the top Haunted Houses and then we’ll ask our readers to vote for their favorite.
13th Floor Haunted Houses
The 13th Floor Haunted House – Ranked #1 of all Haunted Houses in America (per their website). 3400 E 52nd Ave, Denver, CO 80216
The Asylum Haunted House
The Asylum is a Denver haunted house where you will get scared. Now Featuring 2 Haunted Houses in 1. 6100 E 39th Ave, Denver, CO 80207
City of the Dead
The City of the Dead in Denver is open September 26th thru November 1st, 2014. 7007 E 88th Ave, Henderson, CO 80640
Elitch Gardens Fright Fest
In October, Elitch Gardens transforms into Family By Day and Fright By Night, plus all your favorite Theme Park rides. 2000 Elitch Cir, Denver, CO 80204
Extinction Haunted House
Extinction Haunted House is an interactive haunted house in Denver Colorado. 4100 Grape St a, Denver, CO 80216
The Frightmare Compound
The Frightmare Compound – Frightmare Was Rated Denver’s #1 Haunted House for 2017! 10798 Yukon St, Westminster, CO 80021
Haunted Field of Screams
Haunted Field of Screams, Colorado’s Largest Haunted House is back! 10451 McKay Rd, Thornton, CO 80233
Hellscream is a multistory, multi-attraction haunted house is created by film, television and special effects professionals. 3021 N Hancock Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80907
Terror in the Corn
Terror in the Corn is Colorado’s only haunted hayride & ghost town experience. Anderson Farms 6728 County Road 3 1/4, Erie, CO 80516
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